14 December 2005

A blogger's nightmare...

...is to get so drunk, you forget what it is you were thinking the night before. You know, the post that would be so mind-blowing, people would chant your name from the rooftops...

*Aston, Aston*

So, instead of that post, I'll leave you with this:
I'm a leg and breast guy...always have been, always will be...

Thank you.
(and I swear, one day I'll update my profile so everyone can understand me fully)


  1. So did you enjoy your vacation after the Torian incident? Ever hook up again with Rione? Or Juniper...

    Extragalactic inquiring minds want to know. :-)

  2. I didn't get much of a vacation after my first visit to Toris. Hunter's writing all about that as we speak...

    I did hook up with Rione again, yes.

    I have no recollection...
    ((Crillian may be watching))


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