21 June 2006

Hell, Yes!

Myself, I'd like to see myself put somewhere into the ST universe...that would be fun.

18 June 2006

The Jareo Effect Rolls On

Anyone remember my earlier commentary?

It seems as if the effect is still alive and kicking, this time with a new source. I mean, really, in this era of world-wide internet available on a whim, no one should think their postings are going to be private. So, the only thing a person could be doing it for is the attention...and lo and behold, the world is giving it to them.

It's rather sad, though, that she's in trouble because her girlfriend posted the pictures. Does no one learn from the exploits of such (former?) celebrities as Pamela Anderson? If people are taking pictures or video of you, make sure you destroy them (the media, not the people, though on a good day...).

Aston West
Tamara Hoover

17 June 2006

A Spiritual Question for the Masses

God is the creator of all things, so why did God create hell?
(and the follow-on question of why did God create the devil?)

03 June 2006

Amazement Abounds

I often wonder how people can be so blind to their own hypocrisy...
The original story here...