26 December 2009

Merry Christmas! Didn't Get Enough Gifts? I've Got You Covered

Merry Christmas to all! Hope you're having a tremendous holiday season and are staying in out of the cold, ice and snow (for those in such weather...if you're in the tropics, make sure to put on the sunscreen).

I'm still in the gift-giving spirit, however, and as anyone who's known me for very long will attest, I get psychotic about giving away stuff. It just so happens that I have a new book, Friends in Deed, coming out January 2...but I really want to give away stuff before the new year. So, anyone knows what that means?

Yup! You're going to have the chance to WIN IT BEFORE YOU CAN BUY IT!

So, here's the details:

I have ten e-book copies of my book available to give away (sorry folks, the print copy appears to still be about a month away). I'm going to hold separate points for everyone to get their entries in at my various haunts:

My Blog page
My Facebook page
My MySpace page
My Twitter feed

The general way you get entries is two-fold. Everyone who posts (or in the case of Twitter, @-replies me) can just tell me they want a copy and get one entry at each of the above spots. But if you know people (and most of us do), tell them about the contest, get them to enter and make sure they let me know that you referred them. That way, they get an entry and you get an additional entry for the referral. It's a WIN-WIN for everyone!

But it doesn't stop there (remember I'm a psycho when it comes to giving things away)...

There are going to be several days between now and when I give these books away on 12/31. So, you can enter once each day by telling me you want a copy (and thus get yourself multiple entries), and get as many referral entries as you possibly can.

In the end, I'm going to pick two winners from each entry location, at random, based on the entries received. From past experience, some of these locations don't get near-enough entries and I end up giving free stuff to everyone who posted. Go figure! Get your entries in at all those spots and increase your odds.

But wait, I'm an engineer (or at least claim to be). Two winners at four spots only comes up to eight winners, not ten...what's up with that math? Well, that's where the two final winners come in. I'm going to let sheer numbers decide this one. The two contestants with the most entries across all of the entry locations are going to win their own copy, hands-down. So, if you don't ever seem to have luck, hard work is going to be rewarded!

So, if that doesn't seem as complicated as it sounds, get on out there and win some copies of Friends in Deed!!!

And if you don't win, don't fret. Copies will be available for purchase shortly...stay tuned for information.


  1. I'd love to be entered into the contest to win your book, please. :)

  2. Hey, enter me....Aston's a babe....in my mind at least!

  3. You're both entered...and yes, Aston is a babe. ;-)

    Be sure to stop on by the next few days, and get yourself additional entries...

  4. I like Aston West and like to follow his adventures. He's my hero. ;)

  5. You're entered!

    And there should be a few more adventures coming out in the next month or so, in addition to this novel. ;-)

    In the meantime, if you haven't already, be sure to check out "Entrapment" which is the latest Aston West short story available for free to read.

  6. Sunday reply: Aston is awesome!! :D Would be great to read about him again!

  7. You're entered again! Good luck!!! :-)

  8. Both of you are entered! Good luck!!!

  9. Trying again for a chance to win. :)

  10. Aston is awesome! I like to get the book! (Monday reply)

  11. You're both entered again! Good luck to everyone!!!

  12. I need the book. NEED. :-) Just sayin.

  13. Would still love to win a copy. :)

  14. Entering for Tuesday! Aston is the best!! ;)

  15. Stopping in for my daily chat with Aston! :-)

  16. You're entered again today! Good luck!

  17. And once again, enter me mister! ~BethGFisher

  18. You're entered! Where have you been? Waiting for the grand finale to overtake the lead? ;-)

  19. I'd still love to win a copy of your new book. :)

  20. Wednesday Entry: I just want the book because Aston is the best!

  21. And you're entered again! Good luck!

  22. Please enter my name again, Mr. West.

  23. Last entry! Aston is mine!!

  24. I guess we'll see in less than twelve hours. :-P

    You're entered...good luck!

  25. I was referred to you by Jae (o0omunkieo0o) cuz she says your book is ahhhhmazing!!!!

  26. You're entered, and @o0omunkieo0o gets another referral entry. Good luck!

    And who am I to argue with her? My book must be amazing! ;-)

  27. heeey. im referring @o0omunkieo0o. shes dying to have your boook. i hopee shes close! (:

  28. Hey. This is Lunch_Boxx. Im posting for an entry/referral entry for o0omunkieo0o. :)

  29. Ok Aston! Put me in again!

  30. You're both entered, and @o0omunkieo0o gets another pair of referral entries. Good luck!

  31. And Beth gets another entry as well.

  32. Hey there, I'd like to refer Jae (o0omunkieo0o) here as well...oh yeah, me too. :) Doug

  33. You're entered, and @o0omunkieo0o has another referral entry. Good luck!

  34. Jae tells me that this wil be quite an amazing book...

  35. Hello! @o0omunkieo0o sent me and I figured I would enter myself as well. =0). She said your an awesome author.

  36. o0omunkieo0o brags a lot about you! So here I am entering too, and getting her a referal :]

  37. Will and Alyssa, you're entered and Jae gets another pair of referral entries.

    I'm not sure who the "Anonymous" user is...if they could repost and please give an indication of their name.

  38. Please enter me into your contest. (By the way, I'm sure you know @o0omunkieo0o sent me)

  39. You're entered, Jonathan, and @o0omunkieo0o gets another referral entry. Good luck!


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