03 January 2012

Weekly Goals - January 3, 2012

A Happy New Year to you all! Although this week wasn't as good as I would have liked, it was a fairly decent one for me, output-wise. However, now that we've passed into the new year, it's time for me to make good on my promises, and shifting gears to get my final polish edits done on my next Aston West novel. So, Resurrection will be placed on hold for the time being...

Results for this week:

1. 2000 words (vs. goal of 2500) on Resurrection
2. Edited 1 of 32 chapters on Death Brings the Victory

And now the goals for this coming week:

1. Edit 5 chapters on Death Brings the Victory


  1. Good luck with the edits. I've set a goal for fifty pages this month. So far, I've hit my two page per day goal, so I hope the momentum keeps up.


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