January: Mindflights published my short story "Sweet Embrace" in their January issue.
February: I was sent off to Bangalore, India by my employer for a two-week excursion, which I documented day-to-day in my "Banglalore or Bust" segments. Ironically, I spent a lot of my free time coming up with story plot lines which I still have sitting around here. Some ended up being worked, and others didn't. Maybe next year.
March: The e-book version of Death Brings Victory, the third in the Aston West series of novels, came out after a nearly two-year hiatus since the last novel.
April: I was hard at work on a few short stories, mostly featuring Kasey Reynolds, one of which was accepted for an anthology to appear later in the year. I also attended the spring edition of the Renaissance Festival here in Wichita.
May: Attended the ConQuest science fiction convention in Kansas City, which was the first public debut (and fresh off the presses with the paperback version) of my new novel Death Brings Victory.
June: Attended the Author Extravaganza at Town Crier Books in Emporia. Completed my story "Supply and Demand" (which ended up in my second Triple-Shot).
July: I began my experiment in serialized fiction, by providing my short story "Genesis" as a weekly episode in the SFFS loop. Also, my second Triple-Shot featuring "Temptation" was released as a 99-cent e-book. I decided to test out the KDP Select program with this one. One of my Kasey Reynolds stories appeared in an anthology from Ring of Fire Books
August and September: I slowly began to sour on the KDP Select program, deciding to exit the program when my 90-day period was up. Worked on an Aston short story "Downtrodden."
October: Attended the fall edition of the Renaissance Festival in Wichita.
November and December: Heroes Die Young passed the 400 sales mark in my November sales update. Work continues to progress on my fourth series novel, Resurrection, which I hope to complete this coming year. Completed an Aston short story "Adrift" (which I've agreed never to let see the light of day).
Well, there's the year in review. Probably could have finished a few more short stories, and the work on Resurrection has been lacking until the last few months. Guess it's time to get back into my goal-setting.