25 January 2014

Getting Aston West News on Facebook

As I'm sure you're all aware, I do have a facebook fan page for everything Aston West Universe-related. But of course, Facebook is out to make money, so they continually change things to make it so people promoting on their service have to shell out advertising money. Needless to say, I don't earn enough in royalties to make that happen, so I'm here to show you a way to make sure you're always in-the-know about the latest Aston West news on Facebook.

First, you'll need to add my page to an Interest List. Go to my page, and click the small gear. Select the "Add to Interest Lists" option.

If you're like me, and haven't bothered creating an interest list before, you'll need to create a new one ("New List"). If you're already experienced with these, just add me to one of your existing lists.

If you're creating a new list, go ahead and just select "Next" from here.

Name your list under "List Name" and set your privacy settings. Then click "Done" and you are...

From your news feed, you should be able to scroll down to the bottom of the LH side and see all of your Interest Lists. Select your new one, and you can read all of my latest news (and any other pages you want to add to the list).

Hopefully this should help you keep up with all of the latest news that's fit to print for the Aston West Universe (and any other pages you'd like to follow). Enjoy, and good reading!

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