31 December 2018

January 2019 Writing Goals

Well, the year is finally over. This month went quite well, even if I struggled in putting out a weekly update.

So, here are the results for December:

1. Complete 2,500 words on my "Demonkiller" WIP.- Completed this goal, with nearly 6,000 words written this month.

2. Write 2,500 words on Before the Dawn. - Completed this goal, with just over 3,100 words written this month.

Here are my goals for the month of January (even if I don't have my annual goals out):

1. Draft up three Aston West short stories.

2. Complete 2,500 words on Before the Dawn.

3. Complete 1,000 words on Dark Side (tentative title for my sci-fi detective thriller).

2018 Writing Goals Review

Well, the year is coming to a close in a few hours, and I've just spent the day finishing up the last touches on a first draft, so it's time to recap how things went against my 2018 goals. A follow-up post for my 2019 goals will be coming soon.

This year went well, or at least better than 2017 did.

1. Complete the first draft of my fifth Aston West series novel, Before the Dawn. I plan to finish this by the end of September, so that I can work on edits and hopefully have it out to the public by the end of the year.

Well, didn't quite get there on this goal, but did get this novel moving, with just over 7K words written, and a full head of steam for getting things moving in 2019.

2. Complete a third Aston West novella. I would like to have this finished in March, so that I can hopefully get it out in June (maybe in time for Smallville) and tide folks over until the next series novel comes out.

Completed my Aston West novella Stormrunner. Missed it by a month, so didn't quite get it out for Smallville, but it will still be around next year for folks.

3. Complete the first draft of my in-work "Demonkiller" WIP. Hopefully I'll have an actual title for this soon, but I need to try and finish this by the end of March, so that I can work edits after finishing the MaxMcCannor novellas. My hope is to have this out to the public by the end of May, so that I can have copies available for Smallville in June.

Completed the first draft for this one this year, albeit behind schedule (and still don't have a final title). Edits will be a bit down the road, but I'm hopeful to have this one published in 2019.

4. Complete the first draft of my in-work sci-fi suspense/mystery novel. I don't anticipate this being finished anytime before the end of December, and will likely be a 2019 release.

Didn't get this one completed, but got a few thousand words and five chapters completed. Probably going to be a stretch to try and get this one finished in 2019.

5. Finish the final two novellas in the Max McCannor series. Lyn and I have discussed this, and our plan is to plot out the last two novellas in January, then complete the second novella in February and the third in March. Sporty!

Didn't get anything more done on this series this year.

6. Write six Aston West short stories. I would like to finish one of these every two months, and hopefully I can get back on track with my triple-shots (my most recent one featuring Sweet Embrace actually came out in 2015, sadly).

With all of the work on the novels this year, I haven't had a chance to work on any short stories. Maybe next year.

So, sort of a mixed bag this year, but all in all, I felt good about what I accomplished (especially with about 60K words written altogether, and finishing the first draft of a novel). So, on to 2019, and I'm hoping to build on this year's successes.

01 December 2018

December 2018 Writing Goals

One more month left in the year...it's now been eleven months since I first started working toward my writing goals. It was a bit rough this month when trying to put out a weekly update, but did get some writing done and accomplished some monthly goals.

So, here are the results for November:

1. Complete 1,500 words on my "Demonkiller" WIP.- Completed this goal, with over 2,500 words written this month.

2. Complete 1,500 words on my sci-fi suspense/mystery novel. - Didn't get anything written on this goal this month.

3. Write 1,500 words on Before the Dawn. - Completed this goal, with just over 1,500 words written this month.

Here are my goals for the month of December:

1. Complete 2,500 words on my "Demonkiller" WIP.

2. Complete 2,500 words on Before the Dawn.

03 November 2018

Weekly Goals - November 3, 2018

Currently attempting to meet my November goals. Here's the recap for this past week:

1. Write 1000 words on my Aston novel, Before the Dawn. - Didn't get anything written toward this goal.
2. Write 1000 words on my "Demonkiller" story. Completed around 600 words on this goal.

Now, my goals for the coming week:
1. Write 1000 words on my Aston novel, Before the Dawn.
2. Write 1000 words on my "Demonkiller" story.

November 2018 Writing Goals

Quickly approaching the end of the year...it's now been ten months since I first started working toward my writing goals. Things have been a bit better this month, including some work on the next Aston novel.

So, here are the results for October:

1. Complete 1,500 words on my "Demonkiller" WIP.- Didn't complete this goal, but did get around 900 words written this month.

2. Complete 1,500 words on my sci-fi suspense/mystery novel. - Didn't get anything written on this goal this month.

3. Write 500 words on a new Aston West short story.  - Didn't get anything written on this goal this month.

4. Didn't originally have a goal for Before the Dawn, but was able to write around 1800 words this month.

Here are my goals for the month of November:

1. Complete 1,500 words on my "Demonkiller" WIP.

2. Complete 1,500 words on my sci-fi suspense/mystery novel.

3. Complete 1,500 words on Before the Dawn.

27 October 2018

Weekly Goals - October 27, 2018

Currently attempting to meet my October goals. Here's the recap for this past week:

1. Write 1000 words on my Aston novel, Before the Dawn. Completed around 1800 words on this goal.
2. Write 1000 words on my "Demonkiller" story. Completed around 500 words on this goal.

Now, my goals for the coming week:
1. Write 1000 words on my Aston novel, Before the Dawn.
2. Write 1000 words on my "Demonkiller" story.

20 October 2018

Weekly Goals - October 20, 2018

Well, it's been a while since I've provided a weekly update. Given the chaos during the week, figured I would switch up to providing updates on Saturdays instead of Mondays. Currently attempting to meet my October goals. Here's the recap for this past week:

1. Completed around 400 words on my "Demonkiller" story.

Now, my goals for the coming week:
1. Write 1000 words on my Aston novel, Before the Dawn.
2. Write 1000 words on my "Demonkiller" story.

13 October 2018

October 2018 Writing Goals

Unfortunately, with my journey to Siouxpercon and the subsequent vacation across South Dakota, and then the inevitable chaos to sort through at work and home afterward, my timing on getting this post out is a bit off. It's now been nine (and a half) months since I first started working toward my writing goals. Unfortunately, due to some health issues that kept me sidelined, and from other vacations, things were a bit slow on the writing front this past month.

So, here are the results for September:

1. Complete 3,000 words on Before the Dawn. - Didn't get anything written on this goal this month.

2. Complete 3,000 words on my "Demonkiller" WIP.  - Didn't complete this goal, but did get around 2000 words written this month.

3. Complete 3,000 words on my sci-fi suspense/mystery novel. - Didn't get anything written on this goal this month.

4. Write 2,500 words on a new Aston West short story.  - Didn't get anything written on this goal this month.

Here are my goals for the month of October (trimmed down due to timing):

1. Complete 1,500 words on my "Demonkiller" WIP.

2. Complete 1,500 words on my sci-fi suspense/mystery novel.

3. Write 500 words on a new Aston West short story.

05 October 2018

Thanks, Siouxpercon!

Had a great time at Siouxpercon this past weekend. Can honestly say that this 3-day convention was the best I've had, both in terms of enjoyment at the event and in terms of books sold. So, thank you everyone who stopped by and picked up some of my books! Looking forward to coming back next year...

Here was the Sioux Falls Convention Center where we were set up...

My wife behind the table in her "Mistress of Mystery" outfit...

And with one of her brand new corsets from another vendor at the event...

Plenty of folks in costume this weekend...didn't catch them all, of course, but here are just a few...

29 September 2018

Welcome to Siouxpercon!

Welcome to everyone stopping by the website after picking up materials at Siouxpercon! Having a great time at this, my first visit. Friday was an atypical first day for a 3-day con, with things a bit slow for most of the day until everyone got off work. And then business picked up, and had one of the better first days (sales-wise) than I'd had in a while. Here's hoping for a great rest of the weekend...stop on by and pick up copies of my titles, including my latest, Stormrunner (which is making its con debut this weekend).

 This fellow below (his name is Steve) is our neighbor across the aisle, courtesy of the folks at the Fear Asylum. He seems to sleep a lot, until someone inevitably wakes him up, and then he gets all loud and cranky (but don't we all!). It's always fun to see the reactions the crowd has when he awakens.

Another first this weekend is that I was able to meet my writer friend (whom I've known online for some time), Doug White. Stop by his table and check out his books as well!

Lots of good stuff to see here at Siouxpercon...and good thing they put these guys next to the Fear Asylum crew...because who else are you gonna call?

So, looking forward to a great weekend here at Siouxpercon, and hope to see you all at the table! And if you've already come by, check out the links near the top of the page (or the drop-down on mobile devices) where you can find excerpts from my novels/novellas and collections, and then head on over to Amazon, where you can buy any of my books (or you can stop by the table this weekend and get them at a discounted rate)

03 September 2018

September 2018 Writing Goals

Well, it's been eight months since I first started working toward my writing goals. Things were on an upward trend this month, but still a bit weak.

So, here are the results for August:

1. Complete 3,000 words on Before the Dawn. - Didn't get anything written on this goal this month.

2. Complete 3,000 words on my "Demonkiller" WIP.  - Completed this goal with over 3100 words written this month.

3. Complete 3,000 words on my sci-fi suspense/mystery novel. - Didn't complete this goal, but did get around 500 words written this month.

4. Write 2,500 words on a new Aston West short story.  - Didn't get anything written on this goal this month.

Here are my goals for the month of September (along with this next week's goals):

1. Complete 3,000 words on Before the Dawn. This will require 750 words per week, or around 375 words per day, writing two days per week.

2. Complete 3,000 words on my "Demonkiller" WIP. This comes up to 750 words per week, or 375 words per day if I write two days per week.

3. Complete 3,000 words on my sci-fi suspense/mystery novel. This will require 750 words per week, or 375 words per day if I write two days per week.

4. Write 2,500 words on a new Aston West short story. This will require 625 words per week, which should be able to be completed in a single day.

27 August 2018

Weekly Goals - August 27, 2018

Currently attempting to meet my August goals. Here's the recap:

1. Write 750 words on my sci-fi suspense/mystery novel. - Didn't quite complete this goal, but did get over 500 words this week.
2. Write 750 words on my "Demonkiller" story. - Didn't start this goal.

Now, my goals for the coming week:
1. Write 750 words on my sci-fi suspense/mystery novel.
2. Write 750 words on my "Demonkiller" story.

20 August 2018

Weekly Goals - August 20, 2018

Unfortunately, it's been a rough few weeks, but I have been able to get some writing done (even if I've been slacking on the weekly recap). Currently attempting to meet my August goals. Here's the recap:

1. Write 750 words on my sci-fi suspense/mystery novel. - Wasn't able to work this goal.
2. Write 750 words on my "Demonkiller" story. - Completed this goal with around 2500 words on this one (over 3 weeks, still comes up above the weekly goal for an average).

Now, my goals for the coming week:
1. Write 750 words on my sci-fi suspense/mystery novel.
2. Write 750 words on my "Demonkiller" story.

01 August 2018

August 2018 Writing Goals

Well, it's been seven months since I first started working toward my writing goals. Things were still a bit weak this month, but on an upward trend. I also completed all of my edits on Stormrunner, which completed one of my annual goals.

So, here are the results for July:

1. Complete 3,000 words on Before the Dawn. - Didn't get anything written on this goal this month.

2. Complete 3,000 words on my "Demonkiller" WIP.  - Didn't complete this goal, but did get around 1500 words written this month.

3. Complete 3,000 words on my sci-fi suspense/mystery novel. - Didn't complete this goal, but did get around 1900 words written this month.

4. Write 2,500 words on a new Aston West short story.  - Didn't get anything written on this goal this month.

5. Published Stormrunner in e-book format, with the paperback getting close. [extra results beyond the original goals]

Here are my goals for the month of August:

1. Complete 3,000 words on Before the Dawn. This will require 750 words per week, or around 375 words per day, writing two days per week.

2. Complete 3,000 words on my "Demonkiller" WIP. This comes up to 750 words per week, or 375 words per day if I write two days per week.

3. Complete 3,000 words on my sci-fi suspense/mystery novel. This will require 750 words per week, or 375 words per day if I write two days per week.

4. Write 2,500 words on a new Aston West short story. This will require 625 words per week, which should be able to be completed in a single day.

30 July 2018

Weekly Goals - July 30, 2018

Currently attempting to meet my July goals. Had a pretty decent week this time. Here's the recap:

1. Write 1500 words on my sci-fi suspense/mystery novel. - Completed this goal with around 1500 words on this one.

Now, my goals for the coming week:
1. Write 750 words on my sci-fi suspense/mystery novel.
2. Write 750 words on my "Demonkiller" story.

23 July 2018

Weekly Goals - July 23, 2018

Currently attempting to meet my July goals. Missed last week's recap due to other responsibilities, so this one will cover two week's worth of output. Here's the recap:

1. Write 750 words on Before the Dawn. - Didn't get anything written on this one.
2. Write 750 words on my sci-fi suspense/mystery novel. - Didn't get anything written on this one.
3. Write 625 words on a new Aston West short story. - Didn't get anything written on this one.
4. Write 750 words on my "Demonkiller" story. - Wrote around 1500 words on this one.

Now, my goals for the coming week:
1. Write 1500 words on my sci-fi suspense/mystery novel.

21 July 2018


Stormrunner is now officially released for the Kindle, and is available over at Amazon.

Go ahead and check out this excerpt.

Life tends to throw you for a loop when you least expect it. Unfortunately, it sometimes throws me for a loop, even when I expect it all the time.

I was staring at the long-range navigational charts on my side console screens, and kicking myself for not scoping out the details of this job before I took it. That was the trouble with consistently having a cash flow problem, that you tend not to be choosy.

If I had actually done some homework first, I would have noticed the fact there was only one direct path from my last stop to my next, Rubicon. Giant areas of plasma storms called the Tycho fields stagnated between here and there, making it impassable as far as a direct route goes. Someone finally built a transport with technology that could navigate through the expanse, making it a bit more feasible. The only way to get to Rubicon was to circumnavigate the Tycho fields until you reached the planet from the other direction, which meant a huge delay in arrival, and likely a huge cut in my pay, if I even received any at all.

Given the minimal cash I always had, I probably would have taken the job anyway, even without the transport.

Jeanie, my ship’s computer, broke my concentration. “The orbital station is transmitting an automated message.”

“Put it through.”

A female voice announced in broken, mechanical-like diction, “Next scheduled departure is imminent. All vessels wishing to traverse the Tycho fields should make contact with the comptroller to arrange for payment.”

I asked Jeanie, even though I already knew the answer, “And you’re sure we’re not better off going around it?”

“Travel on the transport is slightly cheaper than the fuel burn required for circumnavigation of the storms. You will not make much profit with this job, either way. But the on-time arrival will at least help build goodwill with the client.”

I sighed. “Make contact and arrange payment.”

Then I looked over toward the station sitting just this side of the phenomena’s edge. The round, spherical structure was fairly non-descript, with its shiny silver outer hull. For what it was worth, it was dwarfed by the actual transport ship resting nearby.

The vessel seemed like it may have been modified from an old Ursulan freighter, with its squashed hexagon form, and the large spherical dome on top of the forward end of the ship where the bridge would have been located. It didn’t seem to have a full complement of cargo bay doors along the entire length of the ship, though, and had several curved, blade-like appendages mounted all over the outer hull. It wouldn’t win any beauty contests anytime soon, but if it did its job of getting through the expanse in one piece, it didn’t need to be pretty.

The mechanical female voice returned. “Aston West, you and your vessel are now approved for passage through the Tycho fields. Please proceed to the transport vessel. Arrival information has been transmitted to your navigation computer.”

Jeanie alerted me, “Information is loaded. Proceeding to the transport vessel.”

We altered course a bit to the right, where I focused instead on the plasma storm field itself. It was rather hard to see anything out there, but if you strained your eyes, you could make out a large blurring of the stars, as if there were thin clouds of gas in the way. Every so often, I would see streams of light zigzag in the blur.

“Doesn’t seem all that impressive to me. Sure we couldn’t have just made a run for it?”

Jeanie was matter-of-fact, as always. “Those small light streams you see are powerful charges transmitting within the phenomenon. When metallic structures, such as ships, pass through, they attract the charges and end up severely damaged as a result, if not destroyed.”

I leaned back in my chair, admitting defeat to myself. But then, I wondered aloud, “So how do they take a huge ship like that through?”

“They keep the technology tightly guarded, to prevent other ships from learning how to traverse the phenomenon by themselves.”

It seemed wrong on so many levels, but I probably would have done the same thing. Cash flow is king in the depths of space.

We continued toward the transport, as one of the side panels lifted and opened wide for us. Jeanie did her usual expert job of taking us in, giving me a brief glimpse into the landing bay just before we rotated back around and drifted backward between two similar-sized vessels already docked inside.

My landing skids touched down gracefully, and the outer door closed while another automated message came through. “All travelers shall remain on their vessels until the transport vessel enters the Tycho fields, at which point an all-clear message will be provided and permission to move about the ship granted. Anyone found violating this order shall be required to leave the transport vessel and all monies shall be forfeited. Anyone who resists shall be subject to deadly force.”

“Friendly,” I muttered.

“I do not believe they are exaggerating,” Jeanie told me. “Individuals in pressure suits are standing guard at various spots in the hangar, including all exits, armed with automatic burst rifles.”

Suddenly I wasn’t sure this was the greatest idea.

Buy a Copy From These Stores:
Print E-Book



Barnes and Noble

09 July 2018

Weekly Goals - July 9, 2018

Currently attempting to meet my July goals. A real struggle this past week. Here's the recap:

1. Write 750 words on Before the Dawn. - Didn't get anything written on this one.
2. Write 750 words on my sci-fi suspense/mystery novel. - Wrote just under 400 words on this one.
3. Write 625 words on a new Aston West short story. - Didn't get anything written on this one.
4. Write 750 words on my "Demonkiller" story. - Didn't get anything written on this one.

Now, my goals for the coming week:
1. Write 750 words on Before the Dawn.
2. Write 750 words on my sci-fi suspense/mystery novel.
3. Write 625 words on a new Aston West short story.
4. Write 750 words on my "Demonkiller" story.

01 July 2018

July 2018 Writing Goals

Well, it's been six months since I first started working toward my writing goals. Things were still a bit weak this month.

So, here are the results for June:

1. Complete 3,000 words on Before the Dawn. - Didn't get anything written on this goal this month.

2. Complete 3,000 words on my "Demonkiller" WIP.  - Didn't complete this goal, but did get around 2,400 words written this month.

3. Complete 3,000 words on my sci-fi suspense/mystery novel. - Didn't get anything written on this goal this month.

4. Write 2,500 words on a new Aston West short story (other than "Toll Road"). This will require 625 words per week, which should be able to be completed in a single day. - Didn't get anything written on this goal this month.

Here are my goals for the month of July (along with my goals for this coming week):

1. Complete 3,000 words on Before the Dawn. This will require 750 words per week, or a little over 250 words per day, writing three days per week. Setting a goal this next week of 750 words.

2. Complete 3,000 words on my "Demonkiller" WIP. This comes up to 750 words per week, or 250 words per day if I write three days per week. Setting a goal this next week of 750 words, after getting nearly 1,000 words over the past two weeks.

3. Complete 3,000 words on my sci-fi suspense/mystery novel. This will require 750 words per week, or 250 words per day if I write three days per week. Setting a goal this next week of 750 words.

4. Write 2,500 words on a new Aston West short story. This will require 625 words per week, which should be able to be completed in a single day. Setting a goal of coming up with a short story plot and writing 625 words this next week.

24 June 2018

Welcome, Smallville Fans!

Enjoying my time at Smallville this weekend, and thought I'd pop in to introduce myself to all of the new folks popping by to check out the site...from my bio:

T. M. Hunter has always had a fascination with travel to other worlds, earning a B. S. in Aerospace Engineering from the University of Kansas. His works have often been compared to the great pulp writers of the last century.

He mainly writes action-adventure stories in his Aston West universe, with a series of novels, standalone novellas and short story collections (all featuring space pirate Aston West). He also has a standalone thriller from the same universe, even though Aston does not make an appearance. In the pipeline, he’s currently working on a paranormal thriller and a near-future mystery (separate from the Aston universe), and also a pair of additional Aston tales.

In the sliver of spare time that he has, when not adoring his wife, working in the aircraft industry, volunteering for his church, or penning new tales, he also plays electric bass as part of a local classic rock band.

18 June 2018

Weekly Goals - June 18, 2018

Currently attempting to meet my June goals. Here's the recap:
1. Write 750 words on Before the Dawn. - Didn't get anything written on this one.
2. Write 1500 words on my sci-fi suspense/mystery novel. - Didn't get anything written on this one.
3. Write 625 words on a new Aston West short story. - Didn't get anything written on this one.
4. Write 1000 words on my "Demonkiller" story. - Completed around 600 words on this one.

Now, my goals for the coming week:
1. Write 750 words on Before the Dawn.
2. Write 1500 words on my sci-fi suspense/mystery novel.
3. Write 625 words on a new Aston West short story.
4. Write 1000 words on my "Demonkiller" story.

11 June 2018

Weekly Goals - June 11, 2018

Missed putting out last week's results, so will combine the last two weeks. 

Currently attempting to meet my June goals. Here's the recap:
1. Write 750 words on Before the Dawn. - Didn't get anything written on this one.
2. Write 1500 words on my sci-fi suspense/mystery novel. - Wrote around 1400 words on this one.
3. Write 625 words on a new Aston West short story. - Didn't get anything written on this one.

4. Completed 800 words on my "Demonkiller" story.

Now, my goals for the coming week:
1. Write 750 words on Before the Dawn.
2. Write 1500 words on my sci-fi suspense/mystery novel.
3. Write 625 words on a new Aston West short story. 

4. Write 1000 words on my "Demonkiller" story.

02 June 2018

June 2018 Writing Goals

Well, it's been five months since I first started working toward my writing goals. Things were a bit weak this month, but better than nothing.

So, here are the results for May:

1. Complete edits on "Toll Road" (or whatever the new title will be). - Completed this goal (with the title of Stormrunner). This is now with beta readers, and a cover artist. Hoping to have this ready for Smallville, later this month. But I have this feeling we'll be looking at this for Air Cap instead.

2. Complete 3,000 words on Before the Dawn. - Didn't get anything written on this goal this month.

3. Complete 3,000 words on my "Demonkiller" WIP.  - Didn't complete this goal, but did get around 2,200 words written this month.

4. Complete 3,000 words on my sci-fi suspense/mystery novel. - Didn't complete this goal, but did get around 2,000 words written this month.

5. Write 2,500 words on a new Aston West short story (other than "Toll Road"). This will require 625 words per week, which should be able to be completed in a single day. - Didn't get anything written on this goal this month.

Here are my goals for the month of June:

1. Complete 3,000 words on Before the Dawn. This will require 750 words per week, or a little over 250 words per day, writing three days per week.

2. Complete 3,000 words on my "Demonkiller" WIP. This comes up to 750 words per week, or 250 words per day if I write three days per week.

3. Complete 3,000 words on my sci-fi suspense/mystery novel. This will require 750 words per week, or 250 words per day if I write three days per week.

4. Write 2,500 words on a new Aston West short story. This will require 625 words per week, which should be able to be completed in a single day.

28 May 2018

Weekly Goals - May 27, 2018

Currently attempting to meet my May goals. Here's the recap:
1. Come up with a final title for "Toll Road". - Completed this goal, by deciding on Stormrunner. Waiting on beta readers to get back to me.
2. Write 750 words on Before the Dawn. - Didn't get started on this one.
3. Write 750 words on my "Demonkiller" WIP. - Exceeded this goal with around 1950 words this week. 
4. Write 750 words on my sci-fi suspense/mystery novel. - Didn't get started on this one.
5. Write 625 words on a new Aston West short story. - Didn't get started on this one.

Now, my goals for the coming week:

1. Write 750 words on Before the Dawn.
2. Write 1500 words on my sci-fi suspense/mystery novel.
3. Write 625 words on a new Aston West short story.

21 May 2018

Weekly Goals - May 20, 2018

Currently attempting to meet my May goals. Here's the recap:

1. Complete edits on "Toll Road" (and come up with a final title). - Completed edits, and sent off to the beta readers. Also came up with a title, but was informed of negative connotations it may lead to, so back to the drawing board on that one.
2. Write 750 words on Before the Dawn. - Didn't get started on this one.
3. Write 750 words on my "Demonkiller" WIP. - Only wrote about 200 words this week. 
4. Write 750 words on my sci-fi suspense/mystery novel. - Didn't get started on this one.
5. Write 625 words on a new Aston West short story. - Didn't get started on this one.

Now, my goals for the coming week:

1. Come up with a final title for "Toll Road".
2. Write 750 words on Before the Dawn.
3. Write 750 words on my "Demonkiller" WIP.
4. Write 750 words on my sci-fi suspense/mystery novel.
5. Write 625 words on a new Aston West short story.

12 May 2018

Weekly Goals - May 13, 2018

Realized that I'd missed posting my update for last week...oops!

Currently attempting to meet my May goals. Here's the recap:

1. Write 750 words on Before the Dawn. - Didn't get started on this one.
2. Write 750 words on my "Demonkiller" WIP. - Didn't get started on this one.
3. Write 750 words on my sci-fi suspense/mystery novel. - Completed over 700 words on this one.
4. Write 625 words on a new Aston West short story. - Didn't get started on this one.

Now, my goals for the coming week:

1. Complete edits on "Toll Road" (and come up with a final title).
2. Write 750 words on Before the Dawn.
3. Write 750 words on my "Demonkiller" WIP.
4. Write 750 words on my sci-fi suspense/mystery novel.
5. Write 625 words on a new Aston West short story.

01 May 2018

May 2018 Writing Goals

Well, it's been four months since I first started working toward my writing goals. Things went a little better this month.

So, here are the results for April:

1. Complete 3,000 words on Before the Dawn. Didn't write anything on this project.

2. Complete the new Aston West novella "Toll Road." Completed this goal, with nearly 1,700 words written.

3. Complete 3,000 words on my "Demonkiller" WIP. Completed this goal, with around 3,200 words written.

4. Complete 3,000 words on my sci-fi suspense/mystery novel. Didn't complete this goal, but did get around 2,000 words written.

5. Write 2,500 words on a new Aston West short story (other than "Toll Road"). Didn't write anything on this project.

Here are my goals for the month of May:

1. Complete edits on "Toll Road" (or whatever the new title will be).

2. Complete 3,000 words on Before the Dawn. This will require 750 words per week, or a little over 250 words per day, writing three days per week.

3. Complete 3,000 words on my "Demonkiller" WIP. This comes up to 750 words per week, or 250 words per day if I write three days per week.

4. Complete 3,000 words on my sci-fi suspense/mystery novel. This will require 750 words per week, or 250 words per day if I write three days per week.

5. Write 2,500 words on a new Aston West short story (other than "Toll Road"). This will require 625 words per week, which should be able to be completed in a single day.

Hoping I can keep up the momentum from April into May.

29 April 2018

Weekly Goals - April 29, 2018

Currently attempting to meet my April goals. Here's the recap:

1. Write 750 words on Before the Dawn. - Didn't get started on this one.
2. Write 750 words on my "Demonkiller" WIP. - Wrote around 500 words on this one.
3. Write 750 words on my sci-fi suspense/mystery novel. - Wrote around 1300 words on this one.
4. Write 625 words on a new Aston West short story. - Didn't get started on this one.

Now, my goals for the coming week:

1. Write 750 words on Before the Dawn.
2. Write 750 words on my "Demonkiller" WIP.
3. Write 750 words on my sci-fi suspense/mystery novel.
4. Write 625 words on a new Aston West short story.

24 April 2018

Weekly Goals - April 22, 2018

Currently attempting to meet my April goals. Here's the recap:

1. Write 750 words on Before the Dawn. - Didn't get started on this one.
2. Write 750 words on my "Demonkiller" WIP. - Wrote around 1000 words on this one.
3. Write 750 words on my sci-fi suspense/mystery novel. - Didn't get started on this one.
4. Write 625 words on a new Aston West short story. - Didn't get started on this one.

Now, my goals for the coming week:

1. Write 750 words on Before the Dawn.
2. Write 750 words on my "Demonkiller" WIP.
3. Write 750 words on my sci-fi suspense/mystery novel.
4. Write 625 words on a new Aston West short story.

15 April 2018

Weekly Goals - April 15, 2018

Currently attempting to meet my April goals. Did well this past weekend, to salvage an otherwise uneventful week. Also finished up a first draft for the first time in a long while. So, hoping momentum will carry me through the next week.

1. Write 750 words on Before the Dawn. - Didn't get started on this one.
2. Write 750 words on my "Demonkiller" WIP. - Wrote over 1000 words on this one.
3. Write 750 words on my sci-fi suspense/mystery novel. - Wrote just over 750 words on this one.
4. Write 625 words on a new Aston West short story. - Didn't get started on this one.

Now, my goals for the coming week:

1. Write 750 words on Before the Dawn.
2. Write 750 words on my "Demonkiller" WIP.
3. Write 750 words on my sci-fi suspense/mystery novel.
4. Write 625 words on a new Aston West short story.

10 April 2018

Weekly Goals - April 8, 2018

Currently attempting to meet my April goals. Did well this past weekend, to salvage an otherwise uneventful week. Also finished up a first draft for the first time in a long while. So, hoping momentum will carry me through the next week.

1. Complete 1500 words on my "Demonkiller" WIP. - Wrote over 650 words on this, which technically fell in the realm of my weekly goals for the month, but not the specific weekly goal I'd set up.
2. Complete 625 words on a new short story. - Still working on developing a plot.

Now, my goals for the coming week:

1. Write 750 words on Before the Dawn.
2. Write 750 words on my "Demonkiller" WIP.
3. Write 750 words on my sci-fi suspense/mystery novel.
4. Write 625 words on a new Aston West short story.

03 April 2018

Weekly Goals - April 1, 2018

Currently attempting to meet my April goals. Did well this past weekend, to salvage an otherwise uneventful week. Also finished up a first draft for the first time in a long while. So, hoping momentum will carry me through the next week.

1. Complete 1250 words on my novella "Toll Road" (and determine title). - Exceeded this goal, with around 2600 words. Also finished the first draft.
2. Complete 1500 words on my "Demonkiller" WIP. - Didn't have a chance to write anything on this project this week.
3. Complete 625 words on a new short story. - Still working on developing a plot.

Now, my goals for the coming week:

1. Complete 1500 words on my "Demonkiller" WIP.
2. Complete 625 words on a new short story.

01 April 2018

April 2018 Writing Goals

Well, it's been three months since I first started working toward my writing goals. Things are still going a bit slow, with work and life pressures going on. As before, some work is better than nothing, which is close to where I had been last year.

So, here are the results for March:

1. Complete 6,000 words on Before the Dawn. Didn't even start this one.

2. Complete 5,000 words on the new Aston West "Toll Road". Was able to complete this goal, with just over 5,000 words. Getting close to finishing this story up.

3. Complete 6,000 words on my "Demonkiller" WIP. Didn't even start this one.

4. Complete 6,000 words on my sci-fi suspense/mystery novel. Didn't start this one either.

5. Write 2,500 words on a new Aston West short story. Didn't start this one, though I have thought up a few paths I want to go. Been struggling in coming up with new material.

6. Complete the first draft of "Runaway" with Lyndon Perry. Haven't started this one either.

Here are my goals for the month of April:

1. Complete 3,000 words on Before the Dawn. This will require 750 words per week, or a little over 250 words per day, writing three days per week.

2. Complete the new Aston West novella "Toll Road" (still need to determine if I want a new title for this, now that it's in novella territory).

3. Complete 3,000 words on my "Demonkiller" WIP. This comes up to 750 words per week, or 250 words per day if I write three days per week.

4. Complete 3,000 words on my sci-fi suspense/mystery novel. This will require 750 words per week, or 250 words per day if I write three days per week.

5. Write 2,500 words on a new Aston West short story (other than "Toll Road"). This will require 625 words per week, which should be able to be completed in a single day.

Hoping I can get to a few more of these, especially with reduced word counts.

27 March 2018

Weekly Goals - March 25, 2018

Currently attempting to meet my March goals. Sadly, this week was pretty packed with other activities, so here's how things have gone.

1. Complete 1250 words on my novella "Toll Road" (and determine title). - Only wrote around 350 words.
2. Complete 1500 words on my "Demonkiller" WIP. - Didn't have a chance to write anything on this project this week.
3. Complete 625 words on a new short story. - Still working on developing a plot.

Now, my goals for the coming week:

1. Complete 1250 words on my novella "Toll Road".
2. Complete 1500 words on my "Demonkiller" WIP.
3. Complete 625 words on a new short story.

18 March 2018

Weekly Goals - March 18, 2018

Currently attempting to meet my March goals. Now to recap how things have gone this week.

1. Complete 1250 words on my novella "Toll Road" (and determine title). - Met this goal, with 1250 words.
2. Complete 1500 words on my "Demonkiller" WIP. - Didn't have a chance to write anything on this project this week.
3. Complete 625 words on a new short story. - Still working on developing a plot.

Now, my goals for the coming week:

1. Complete 1250 words on my novella "Toll Road" (and determine title).
2. Complete 1500 words on my "Demonkiller" WIP.
3. Complete 625 words on a new short story.

13 March 2018

Weekly Goals - March 11, 2018

Currently attempting to meet my March goals. Now to recap how things have gone this week.

1. Complete 1500 words on Before the Dawn. - Didn't have a chance to write anything on this project this week.
2. Complete 1250 words on my novella "Toll Road" (and determine title). - Wrote around 1450 words on this one.
3. Complete 1500 words on my "Demonkiller" WIP. - Didn't have a chance to write anything on this project this week.
4. Complete 1500 words on my sci-fi suspense/mystery novel. -Didn't have a chance to write anything on this project this week.
5. Complete 625 words on a new short story. - Still working on developing a plot.
6. Complete 2000 words on "Runaway." - Didn't have a chance to write anything on this project this week.

 Now, my goals for the coming week:

1. Complete 1250 words on my novella "Toll Road" (and determine title).
2. Complete 1500 words on my "Demonkiller" WIP.
3. Complete 625 words on a new short story.

04 March 2018

March 2018 Writing Goals

Well, it's been two months since I first started working toward my writing goals. Since I hadn't yet put up an update for February results, I decided to combine it with this week's wrap-up. Things have gone a bit slow, despite having some time near the end of the month (there was also a weekend down in Dallas/Forth Worth for ConDFW in mid-February). Again, some work is better than nothing, which is close to where I had been last year.

So, here are the results for February:

1. Complete 13,000 words on Before the Dawn (with a goal of 3250 words this last week). Didn't get anything going on this goal this month (or last week).

2. Complete 7,000 words on a new Aston West novella. So, with "Toll Road" now peaking at around 9,000 words, it's going to need to switch over to this goal. I only wrote around 3,200 words this month, but with the word count total exceeding the total goal, I'm going to count this one complete (goal-setter's prerogative).

3. Complete 20,000 words on my "Demonkiller" WIP (with a goal of 5000 words this last week). Completed around 1,700 words this month (but none this past week). Motivation continues to be a beast.

4. Complete 10,000 words on my sci-fi suspense/mystery novel. Didn't get anything started on this goal.

5. Write 2500 words on a new Aston West short story (with a goal of 625 words this last week). Met this goal, by completing around 3,200 words in February (with 1000 words this past week, albeit in March) on my story "Toll Road," which is now being used toward the novella goal.

6. Complete the first draft of "Runaway" with Lyndon Perry. Didn't touch this goal this month, with Lyndon heading to a conference. Expecting to get this moving in March.

Probably going to miss some of the annual goals (another post for another time), so I'm repeating most of these goals (with word count adjustments) for the month of March:

1. Complete 6,000 words on Before the Dawn. This will require 1500 words per week, or a little over 500 words per day, writing three days per week.

2. Complete 5,000 words on the new Aston West "Toll Road" (need to determine if I want a new title for this, now that it's in novella territory). This will require 1250 words per week, or 625 words per day, if I write two days per week.

3. Complete 6,000 words on my "Demonkiller" WIP. This comes up to 1500 words per week, or 500 words per day if I write three days per week.

4. Complete 6,000 words on my sci-fi suspense/mystery novel. This will require 1500 words per week, or 500 words per day if I write three days per week.

5. Write 2,500 words on a new Aston West short story (other than "Toll Road"). This will require 625 words per week, which should be able to be completed in a single day.

6. Complete the first draft of "Runaway" with Lyndon Perry. Assuming a 15,000 word total, that would require me to complete 7,500 words this month. This will require approximately 2,000 words per week.

Hoping I can get to a few more of these, especially with the reduced word counts.

For the next week, I have the following goals:

1. Complete 1500 words on Before the Dawn.
2. Complete 1250 words on my novella "Toll Road" (and determine title).
3. Complete 1500 words on my "Demonkiller" WIP.
4. Complete 1500 words on my sci-fi suspense/mystery novel.
5. Complete 625 words on a new short story.
6. Complete 2000 words on "Runaway."

26 February 2018

Weekly Goals - February 25, 2018

Currently attempting to meet my February goals. Now to recap how things have gone this week.

1. Complete 3250 words on Before the Dawn. - Didn't have a chance to write anything on this project this week.

2. Complete 5000 words on my "Demonkiller" WIP. - Only wrote around 700 words on this one.

3. Write 625 words on a new Aston West short story.  - Met this goal.
 Now, my goals for the coming week:

1. Complete 3250 words on Before the Dawn.
2. Complete 5000 words on my "Demonkiller" WIP.
3. Write 625 words on "Toll Road".

19 February 2018

Weekly Goals - February 18, 2018

Currently attempting to meet my February goals. Had a great time this past weekend at ConDFW. Sold a few books, sat on a few panels, and enjoyed spending time with fans. Unfortunately, it ate into my writing time. Now to recap how things have gone this week.

1. Complete 3250 words on Before the Dawn. - Didn't have a chance to write anything on this project this week.

2. Complete 5000 words on my "Demonkiller" WIP. - Only wrote around 200 words on this one.

3. Write 625 words on a new Aston West short story.  - Met this goal, with around 750 words written on my story "Toll Road."

 Now, my goals for the coming week:

1. Complete 3250 words on Before the Dawn.
2. Complete 5000 words on my "Demonkiller" WIP.
3. Write 625 words on "Toll Road".

11 February 2018

Weekly Goals - February 11, 2018

Currently attempting to meet my February goals. Time to recap how things have gone this week.

1. Complete 3250 words on Before the Dawn. - Didn't have a chance to write anything on this project this week.

2. Complete 5000 words on my "Demonkiller" WIP. - Wrote around 800 words on this one. Not a lot, but more than the prior week.

3. Write 625 words on a new Aston West short story.  - Met this goal, with around 750 words written on my story "Toll Road."

 Now, my goals for the coming week:

1. Complete 3250 words on Before the Dawn.
2. Complete 5000 words on my "Demonkiller" WIP.
3. Write 625 words on "Toll Road".

04 February 2018

Weekly Goals - February 4, 2018

Currently attempting to meet my February goals. Time to recap how things have gone this week.

1. Complete 3250 words on Before the Dawn. - Didn't have a chance to write anything on this project this week.

2. Complete 5000 words on my "Demonkiller" WIP. - Didn't have a chance to write anything on this project either.

3. Write 625 words on a new Aston West short story.  - Exceeded this goal, with over 1000 words written on my short story "Toll Road." Already up around 6000 words on this story, so thinking it may be shifting into novella length at some point.

Now, my goals for the coming week:

1. Complete 3250 words on Before the Dawn.
2. Complete 5000 words on my "Demonkiller" WIP.
3. Write 625 words on "Toll Road".

01 February 2018

Februrary 2018 Writing Goals

Well, it's been one month since I first started working toward my writing goals. Things have gone okay, although not as well as I'd hoped. Still, some work is better than nothing, which is close to where I had been for the past year or more.

So, here are the results for January:

1. Complete 13,000 words on Before the Dawn. Completed around 3,000 words this month.

2. Complete 7,000 words on a new Aston West novella. Didn't get anything started on this goal.

3. Complete 20,000 words on my "Demonkiller" WIP. Completed around 7,000 words this month.

4. Complete 10,000 words on my sci-fi suspense/mystery novel. Didn't get anything started on this goal.

5. Work with Lyndon to plot out the last two novellas in the Max McCannor series. Developed plots for both of these novellas, so met this goal.

6. Write 2500 words on a new Aston West short story. Met this goal, by completing around 3,000 words on my story "Toll Road."

So, things were a bit hectic this past month. I'm repeating most of these goals for the month of February:

1. Complete 13,000 words on Before the Dawn. This will require 3250 words per week, or a little over 1000 words per day, writing three days per week.

2. Complete 7,000 words on a new Aston West novella. This will require 1750 words per week, or 850 words per day, if I write two days per week.

3. Complete 20,000 words on my "Demonkiller" WIP. This comes up to 5000 words per week, or 1000 words per day if I write five days per week.

4. Complete 10,000 words on my sci-fi suspense/mystery novel. This will require 2500 words per week, or 500 words per day if I write five days per week.

5. Write 2500 words on Aston West short stories (hopefully completing "Toll Road" in the process). This will require 625 words per week, which should be able to be completed in a single day.

6. Complete the first draft of "Runaway" with Lyndon Perry.

Hoping things slow down a bit on the non-writing front, so I can get to a few more of these.

29 January 2018

Weekly Goals - January 28, 2018

Still having a hectic time in life, and still attempting to meet my January goals. Time to recap how things have gone this week.

1. Complete 3250 words on Before the Dawn. - Didn't have a chance to write anything on this project this week.

2. Complete 5000 words on my "Demonkiller" WIP. - Didn't have a chance to write anything on this project either.

3. Work with Lyndon to plot out the last two novellas in the Max McCannor series. - Met with Lyndon this week, and worked out the primary plot for book two. We have a general idea where book three will go. Plan is to work on this in February and March, although we may shift to March and April if need be.

4. Write 625 words on a new Aston West short story.  - Exceeded this goal, with around 900 words written on my short story "Toll Road." Things are progressing on this one, although it may exceed the expected short story length I was going for when it's finished.

Now, my goals for the coming week (coming up on the end of the month as well):

1. Complete 3250 words on Before the Dawn.
2. Complete 5000 words on my "Demonkiller" WIP.
3. Write 625 words on a new Aston West short story.